Review of Github's Coding Editor

Github releases Atom, for your Heart, from Mother?

I’m kind of a fan of, it is a dev centric coding tool that has all kinds of hackabilty and integration with node. I’m kind of the opinion that github is one of the more useful tools on the internet and also that it has facilitated what amounts to ground-breaking levels of remote and a-syncronous collaboration. I didn’t necessarily feel like would replace my use of vim but it seems like a useful tool and I have stuff I’m going to try and do with it including code-to-tweet and web rtc stuff(s).

In the above video, Sung Choi (DevBootcamp’12) and I tinker with my recent download. I personally give it a thumbs up, and Sung, gives it a ‘has potential’. Either way, we hope that the demo has some utility for you because unlike money, time cannot be exchanged.

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tags => productreview • pairprogramming • github • atom