Restaurantly User Authorization data models
John Davison photo
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purpose - setup up user and authorization models to build prepare for twitter based login and session management.

  1. generate user model
  2. generate authorization model
  3. create sql relationship between the two

git checkout user-auth

modify Gemfile.rb

  #user auth
  gem 'devise', '3.0.0'

bundle install

rails generate devise:install

rails generate devise user name:string email:string

rake db:migrate

verify in rails console

generate authorization model

rails g model Authorization provider:string uid:string user_id:integer token:string secret:string name:string url:string

rake db:migrate

modify spec/models/authorization.rb

  context "required attributes" do
    context "uid" do
      subject { :authorization, uid: nil}
      it { expect( be_false }

bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

rspec spec/models/authorization_spec.rb

expect red

modify app/models/authorizations.rb

  validates_presence_of :uid

rspec spec/models/authorization_spec.rb

expect green

  context "unique attributes" do
    context "uid" do
      before do
        FactoryGirl.create :authorization, uid: "12345"
      subject { :authorization, uid: "12345"}
      it { expect( be_false }

rspec spec/models/authorization_spec.rb

expect red

modify app/models/authorizations.rb

  validates_uniqueness_of :uid

rspec spec/models/authorization_spec.rb

expect green

verify in rails console

create sql relationships

modify app/models/user.rb

  has_many :authorizations

modify app/models/authorizations.rb

  belongs_to :user

verify in rails console


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